About California Association of Bond Oversight Committees (CABOC)
CABOC was co-founded by Jack Weir and Anton Jungherr in 2019 as a Nonprofit California Public Benefits Corporation, corporation number 4319346. CABOC is exempt from Federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), identification number 84-3416221. Donors can deduct contributions they make to CABOC under IRS Section 170 to the fullest extent.
“CABOC is the trusted and independent source of information, education, training, and assistance on school bond oversight to CBOC members and California taxpayers. Proposition 39 (2000) lowered the threshold for local voter approval of school bond measures to 55%. It was accompanied by the mandate to establish independent CBOCs to oversee school bond expenditures and report findings to governing boards, taxpayers, and the general public.
“Our mission is to develop the tools: training materials, newsletters, workshops, and conferences to enable CBOC members to engage in rigorous independent oversight and fulfill their obligations to ensure and report that bond money has been spent adequately for the benefit of students, families, their communities and all Californians and to represent our collective interests at the statewide level.”
CABOC engages in public policy issues regarding Proposition 39 school construction bond oversight, including conducting educational meetings, preparing, distributing educational materials, or otherwise considering school bond oversight issues in an educational manner without jeopardizing its tax-exempt status.
The Little Hoover Commission (LHC) is a bipartisan, independent California oversight agency to promote the economy and efficiency in state and local government. “The Commission fulfills this charge by listening to the public, consulting with the experts, and conferring with the wise. The Commission typically impanels advisory committees during its investigations, conducts public hearings, and visits government operations in action.” In their Report #236, February 2017, LHC made recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature regarding School Proposition 39 bonds.
The implementation of these three LHC recommendations will guide the focus and work of CABOC:
- “Develop easy-to-access online training materials for members of Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committees.”
- “The Governor and Legislature should update and overhaul the education code related to the Strict Accountability in Local School Construction Bonds Act of 2000.”
- “Impose sanctions for school and community college districts that fail to adhere to constitutional and statutory requirements of Proposition 39, including preventing the district from adopting future bond measures under reduced voter threshold.”
The California League of Bond Oversight Committees (CaLBOC) filed a Nonprofit Certificate of Dissolution on January 15, 2021. With the dissolution of CaLBOC, the CABOC is the only statewide nonprofit organization existing to address the recommendations of the LHC.
Edition 1.14.23