CABOC Awards

2023 CABOC Awards

CABOC Member of the Year
An active member committed to ensuring the independence of the bond oversight committee

Bryan Scott
Bryan serves on the Brentwood Union School District CBOC. He helped the committee and district staff understand all appropriate state bond oversight laws and procedures. He was successful in turning the district around from its previous non-compliant ways. Bryan also wrote a comprehensive guide to Proposition 39
bond oversight for new CBOC members.

District of the Year

An open transparent district that has provided support and documentation for its independent bond oversight committee to perform its duties excellently

Moraga School District
Moraga SD is a small school district that has successfully managed its bond program despite COVID-related challenges. It has supported the concept and the actions of its CBOC in a manner that enhanced the value of taxpayer funding.

CABOC Person of the Year
A person that has contributed to independent bond oversight

Lope Yap, Jr.
Lope produced six training videos for CABOC. He is the the President of Lopevision, Inc.  Lope has 39 years of experience in the motion picture industry.  He is associated with numerous projects including: The Hunt for  Red October, Titanic, Innerspace and Rumor Has It. As a producer, production manager, and 1st assistant director, he has worked on over 1,000 national/international commercials.

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2022 CABOC Awards 

CABOC Member of the Year
An active member committed to ensuring the independence of the bond oversight committee

Rex Ridgeway, Interim Chair,
San Francisco USD, CBOC

The District’s CBOC members reached their term limits in August 2018.  As a result of the efforts of a group of citizens, including Rex Ridgeway, a new CBOC was appointed by the District in May 2021.  Rex Ridgeway was appointed to the new CBOC and served as Vice Chair and Interim Chair.  Mr. Ridgeway provided leadership to challenge illegal bond expenditures successfully, changed the process for appointing CBOC members, drafted bylaws to make the CBOC independent, submitted to the public the first annual report since 2019, reviewed prior audits for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, and supported revitalizing the CBOC as an effective bond oversight committee.


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CBOC of the Year
A committee that advances bond oversight

San Francisco Unified School District, CBOC

SFUSD did not appoint a CBOC for about three years, from August 2018 to May 2021.  A group of citizens successfully organized a recall of three Board Trustees.  A re-formed CBOC was appointed in May 2021.  Subsequently, the Chair of the CBOC was appointed by the Mayor as a Trustee on the Board of Education.


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CABOC Person of the Year
A person that has contributed to independent bond oversight

Robert Berry,  Executive Director of the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC)

CDIAC provides information, education, and technical assistance on public debt, investments, and economic development financing tools to local public agencies and public finance professionals.  It is the state’s clearinghouse for debt issuance information and compiles data from all municipal debt issuers in California.  CDIAC also organizes educational seminars on public finance matters, the debt issuance process, and the investment of public funds. During the past year, Mr. Berry has supported the California Association of Bond Oversight Committees by providing technical advice on the production of online training videos, grant sources, and statistical data on Proposition 39 bond elections and the sale of Proposition 39 bonds.


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CABOC Media Reporter

A reporter who has written articles focused on school bond oversight

Jill Tucker, K-12 Education Reporter, San Francisco Chronicle Newspaper

Jill Tucker has covered education in California for 22 years, writing stories that range from issues facing Bay Area school districts to broader national policy debates.  Her work generated changes to state law and spurred political and community action to address local needs.  Her articles spurred the recall of three District Board of Education Trustees and the re-formed Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee.


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District of the Year
An open, transparent district that provides support and documentation for its CBOC to carry out its duties in an exemplary fashion

Del Norte Unified School District (DNUSD)

DNUSD Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee was created in 2009 as a requirement of the November 4, 2008 approval by the voters of $25 million Measure A. CABOC got involved with DNUSD due to a call from an investigative reporter concerned about CBOC’s lack of transparency, responses to California Public Records Act requests, and regularly scheduled meetings. CABOC Executive Director and several Board Directors started working with a group of concerned citizens and CBOC members, as well as Jeff Napier, with the support of the Superintendent and Board of Trustees President.
The CBOC website was updated with the prior years’ agenda and minutes, California Public Records Act requests were answered, last year’s annual report was issued, regular monthly financial statements were presented, arranging for site inspections, and a meeting schedule was established.
      This award is presented to Del Norte Unified School District and Association Superintendent Jeff Napier for their support in making the CBOC transparent and responsive to community concerns.



 2021 Outstanding CBOC Member Award 


Gina Haynes

For exceptional service as a member of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District Measure J Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Gina Haynes is awarded the California Association of Bond Oversight Committees’ first Outstanding CBOC Member Award.

Gina Haynes has been committed to ensuring the independence of the committee as required by Proposition 39. Ms. Haynes persistently asks probing questions and steadfastly refuses to concede. The most recent CBOC annual report co-authored by Ms. Haynes found that the district had failed to meet its obligations. School bond oversight and the accountability of school bond proceeds has been advanced by the persistence of Ms. Haynes.


CaLBOC • California League of Bond Oversight Committees

Anton Jungherr Awards for Service to Citizen Oversight

The Board of Directors established this award for outstanding contribution and dedication to supporting citizens oversight.  The first award was presented to Anton Jungherr on May 9, 2014.
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2017 CaLBOC Anton Jungherr Award 

Ashly McGlone, Investigative Reporter for the Voice of San Diego. CaLBOC is recognizing Ashly for her outstanding reporting on school bond programs in San Diego County and for her support of Citizen Oversight.

Dennis Clay, Project Analyst. CaLBOC is recognizing Dennis for of his courage to shine the light on accounting irregularities in West Contra Costa Unified School District’s bond program and for his support of citizen oversight.

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2016 CaLBOC Anton Jungherr Award

Kevin R. Carlin, Esq.

Carlin Law Group

In recognition of Kevin Carlin’s dedication to the pursuit of justice against improper school construction contracts and your support of citizen oversight.

Mackenzie Mays

Reporter, The Fresno Bee

For Mackenzie Mays’ outstanding reporting on Fresno Unified School District’s school bond program and your support of citizen oversight.


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2015 CaLBOC Anton Jungherr Award

Theresa Harrington,
Investigative reporter

Tom Lusas
Representing the 2013-14 OC Grand Jury

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2014 CaLBOC Anton Jungherr Award 

Senator Mark Wyland,
Vice Chair, Senate Education Committee

Assembly Member Joan Buchanan,
Chair, Assembly Education Committee