What Was the Origin of Citizen’s Bond Oversight?
What Was the Origin of Citizen’s Bond Oversight?
Proposition 39, officially titled the “Smaller Classes, Safer Schools and Financial Accountability Act,” was approved by California voters in November 2000. It was difficult for most tax increase measures to receive the required two-thirds approval needed to issue general obligation bonds for school construction.
The effect of the proposition was to reduce the voter approval rate required for school districts to issue general obligation bonds from 66 2/3% to 55%. Proposition 39 limits the use of bond proceeds to school facilities projects listed or described in the language of the ballot measure approved by the voters.
Because of the lower voter approval requirement, Education Code Sections 15264-15282 contains provisions ensuring public oversight and accountability concerning the expenditure of facilities bond revenues. The district board is required to appoint a citizens’ oversight committee within 60 days the school Governing Board records the results of the election in its minutes. (Education Code Section 15278 (a).)