If a Member Disagrees with a CBOC Action or a Report Submitted to the CBOC, what options does that Member have?

FAQ 24

If a Member Disagrees with a CBOC Action or a Report

Submitted to the CBOC, what options does that Member have?

The Member has a large variety of options, including, but certainly not limited to:

    1. At the CBOC Meeting, the Member can express their displeasure and, as the Member may desire, introduce a motion to adopt the Member’s desires.


    2. The Member may vote against a motion that they disagree with or abstain.

    3. The Member(s) may provide a Minority Report to be included in the report and/or the minutes of the meeting, as applicable.


    4. The Member(s) may prepare a written communication to the district Board and/or district management on the topic.  In all such communications, the Member(s) should, in the introduction, identify themselves as CBOC Members and clearly announce that the communication is their own opinion and is not an adopted action of the CBOC.


    5. CBOC Members retain their non-CBOC status as citizens, residents, taxpayers, parents, etc. and all the rights thereof.  Therefore, they may use their right of public address to the district Board at a public meeting thereof to express their opinions.  As detailed in 4 above, they should disclose their CBOC Member status and that their opinions are their own.


    6. In similar manners, CBOC Members may engage in social media, letters to the editor, blogs, editorials, op-eds, articles, papers, conferences, etc. and express their opinions, including opposition to actions that have been taken by and/or been presented to the CBOC – again being sure to make the disclosures outlined above.

Members that engage in a dialog on such matters, such as commenting on a blog posting, should be aware of the Brown Act prohibitions, including serial meeting issues.

