May the CBOC Include Members Besides Those Appointed by the District Board?

FAQ 30

May the CBOC Include Members Besides

Those Appointed by the District Board?

Only CBOC members may vote on matters brought before the CBOC, and all CBOC members are appointed by the District Board.  However, the CBOC may, if it wishes, bring in other personnel to particulate in CBOC actions, subcommittees, and task forces as the CBOC may see fit.

For example, CABOC is aware of a CBOC that established a task force to study the requirements for audio communication in classrooms and potential methods for improving same.  These ranged from quieting heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; sound insulation in walls and ceilings to reduce the impacts of exterior noise; for walls, floor, and ceiling insulation to reduce the impact of noise inside the classroom; and the use of classroom microphones and speakers.  The task force invited acoustic specialists and academics who specialized in audio-challenged students to regularly meet with the CBOC members of the task force to help them understand the options, their implications, and costs and timing.

CABOC is unaware of any CBOC that regularly had non-CBOC members sitting as CBOC members during CBOC meetings.  If the CBOC so desired, this does not appear to be prohibited, but such personnel would not be able to vote on matters that come before the CBOC.

If a CBOC desires to utilize this option, CABOC recommends that it be memorialized in the CBOC Bylaws.