What is a good CBOC Website?
FAQ 35
What is a good CBOC Website?
The Education Code 15280 (b) requires the CBOC documents to be posted on a website that the district maintains.
Education Code Section 15280.
“(b) … Minutes of the proceedings of the citizens’ oversight committee and all documents received and reports issued shall be a matter of public record and be made available on an Internet Web site maintained by the district districts governing board.”
The CBOC should control what documents are uploaded to the CBOC website.
The basic features of a good CBOC Website are:
- The CBOC website should be easy for the public to find.
- A CBOC membership application should be easy to find.
- CBOC information should not be commingled with other district information.
- The CBOC website title should be ‘Bonds’ or ‘Bond Oversight’ or a similar topic.
- The CBOC website should have a drop-down menu of relevant topics, such as:
- An explanation about the CBOC.
- Application form to join the CBOC.
- Explanation ‘Why you should join.’
- Prop 39 (2000) explanation & text
- Each measure’s voter information statement
- Bylaws
- Agendas and minutes
- Financial audits (link to district website)
- Performance audits (link to district website)
- CBOC Annual Reports to the public.
- Facilities Projects construction schedule (link to district website)
- All documents received by the CBOC
- All reports issued by the CBOC
- Official statements for each bond sale (link to district website)
- Memorandum of Understanding, if it exists
- List CBOC members, their appointing authority, their term of service, and brief biographical information
- How the public can contact the CBOC
- Meeting schedule
- Rules for CBOC meetings
Financial reports (link to district website)