Should the CBOC Have Bylaws? How Should They Work?
FAQ 36
Should the CBOC Have Bylaws?
How Should They Work?
Answer: Yes.
First, there is no statutory requirement that a CBOC have Bylaws; however, virtually all entities do have them.
Bylaws are the collection of the rules by which an organization operates and includes the purpose of the organization, membership, officers, process for and frequency of selection, frequency of meetings and how they are called, meeting quorums, and a number of votes or percentage to pass diverse types of actions.
Bylaws should be collected in a single document on the CBOC website and furnished to all members. Various websites can assist with the initial formation of Bylaws. CABOC is currently preparing a Best Practice Bylaws template.
Although there are no specific statutory requirements for CBOC Bylaws, CABOC strongly recommends that the Bylaws be established by each CBOC and not enacted by the district Board or district administrative employees – this is a vital part of the CBOC being able to perform its statutory responsibilities to the voters, taxpayers, students, residents, parents and guardians, and other stakeholders.
For example, if the Bylaws state that only the district can schedule a meeting, decide what items will be placed on meeting agendas, appoint the CBOC officers, or provide that a district employee will conduct the CBOC meetings, the ability of the CBOC to develop an understanding of what is going on with the construction bond program, make recommendations, and report to the public will be severely hampered.