What are the Major Rules and Requirements for a Bond Oversight Committee?


What are the Major Rules and Requirements

for a Bond Oversight Committee?

The primary requirements are as follows:

1. Prepare and publish an Annual Report

2. Hold meetings at least once a year.

3. While the open meeting requirement does not explicitly reference the Ralph M. Brown (Open Meeting) Act, most school districts
   and CBOCs have interpreted the need to establish that CBOC public meetings should be noticed and held by Brown Act provisions.         
   CABOC agrees with this position. 

4. Consist of a minimum of seven members with five requirements as follows:

  • One member active in a business organization representing the business community located within the district.
  • One member active in a senior citizens’ organization.
  • One member active in a bona fide taxpayer’s organization.
  • One member who is the parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district: and
    (For Community College:  student currently enrolled and active in a community college group.)
  • One member who is both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district and active in a parent-teacher organization.
    (For Community College:  member active in the support and organization of a community college or community colleges of the district.)
  • The remaining two members are “at large” community positions.

    5. Receive and review Annual Performance and Financial Audits.

    6. Provide an Annual Compliance Opinion.

Q5 12.22.20/revised 2.4.22

