How Can a District Maintain Flexibility in its Master Plan to Address Unforeseen Events Such as a Pandemic?
FAQ 55
How Can a District Maintain Flexibility in its Master Plan
to Address Unforeseen Events Such as a Pandemic?
Construction bond funds can only be utilized for capital projects; therefore, they could not be used, for example, to cover the costs of teachers during a period when local tax revenues fell due to COVID-19. That said, COVID has certainly impacted construction costs, such as material shortages during production work and supply line issues causing significant increases in construction materials – if you can find them anywhere.
This question is an argument for making the project lists presented to the voters as flexible – as in non-specific – as bond counsel will allow. Again, this is still a discussion with two sides that has not been fully resolved and may never be.
(See also FAQ 16., “What are the basic key elements that should be included in a school district facility master plan?”)