Are the Auditors Accountable to the CBOC As Well As the District?
FAQ 58
Are the Auditors Accountable to the CBOC As Well As the District?
No, auditors are accountable to the district.
California Education Code §15278(c) states, in part:
(c) In furtherance of its purpose, the citizens’ oversight committee may engage in any of the following activities:
(1) Receiving and reviewing copies of the annual, independent performance audit required by subparagraph (C) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 1 of Article XIII A of the California Constitution.
(2) Receiving and reviewing copies of the annual, independent financial audit required by subparagraph (C) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 1 of Article XIII A of the California Constitution.
It should be understood that both financial and performance auditors report to the district’s governing board. The CBOC receives and reviews the financial and performance audits related to the construction bond program.
Considering the above Education Code provision, CABOC recommends that the auditors present their reports directly to the CBOC at a public CBOC meeting.
“Can the CBOC utilize the auditors as a resource?”
CABOC recommends that the CBOC be involved, working with the district, in preparing the request for proposal scope of work, selection of the auditors, development of the specific scope of each audit, progress reports, and receipt and review of draft reports. The CBOC should be able to ask the auditor questions at every stage of the process (except procurement and contract negotiation).
CABOC recommends that working with the district, CBOCs can make specific requests for audit work, including, for example, specific audit scope details to test program and project management, financial, and internal control procedures.