Project List
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Course Description
This course describes what is a project list, where to access the list, and how school districts should use the list.
This course describes what is a project list, where to access the list,
and how school districts should use the list.
You will need to create a one time log in to access the free CBOC training videos on the Total School Solutions site.
What is the Purpose of the Project List
2021 Conference Presentations on YouTube
• Project List presentation by Nick Marinovich
FAQ 53. How do I find my construction bond expenditure list?
FAQ 54. Should project lists be specific or general?
FAQ 56. If the specific list (wish list) included in the bond measure is substantially more than
the bond amount, is it too much to ask to be provided with a priority list with project schedules?
Legal Resources
California Legislative Information: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/